Oh, Mulata Assanhada Passing with grace Making prank Pretending innocent Removing the peace of ours
Oh, if I could mulata And this is my currency I gave no thought This land, this sky, this sea He pretends he does not know That there’s spell on the look
Oh, Mulata Assanhada...
Oh my God, how good it would be If he returned to slavery I picked up the darkness He was holding my heart And the Pretoria police department Is the one who solved the problem ﹣
Mulata = 女非歐混血兒/黑白混血兒,男性是Mulato。 Assanhada 是俗語 = 調情/挑逗者。 Pretoria = 比勒陀利亞,a city in South Africa。 ﹣ 早前貼的“Mulata Assanhada”原版。Elizeth Cardoso原唱。勉强意譯了歌詞。 歌是巴西的,歌曲末段主角建議那位沾花惹草的蕩男返歸做奴隸,並説祇有比勒陀利亞(非洲城市)的警方才能收服他,説明蕩男應該是從前被輸送到南美當奴隸的非洲人的後裔。
from "Wanda Vagamente". - 破碎的浪,午夜的風,炎熱擠滿意識,的一種滿足。比去年熱,明年會怎樣。太平的話再來36度也可以。 - 「無用的風景」。Antonio Jobim作曲。 最著名版本Elis Regina 74年唱出。67年Frank Sinatra 唱過英文版“I Only Have Eyes For You”。其實64年Wanda Sá在首張專輯也唱過,唱得編得最靈巧細緻最夜欄人静一個人。
這裡坐一陣,那裡坐一陣,與一個陌生的人交談一會後,開始下雨,沿著大道再走一會,依然没答案,又與另一個陌生的人交談,依然等待。年輕的夜,漸老的心,所有的未知在空氣中像時間隨風而去。 - from "Ascenseur Pour L'Echafaud" (Elevator to the Gallows / 通往斷頭台的電梯), a film by Louis Malle, starring Jeanne Moreau, Maurice Ronet. - Nuit Sur Les Champs-Élysées = 香榭麗舍之夜 Miles Davis當年是一邊看著電影片段一邊在録音室即慶吹奏。
from "La Notte" (the Night), a film by Michelangelo Antonioni, starring Marcello Mastroianni, Jeanne Moreau, Monica Vitti. - 在哪裡,到哪裡,這條街,那條街,你是誰,他在哪,夜間,像永遠的夜間。
from "Wonderful World". - Don't know much about history Don't know much biology Don't know much about science book Don't know much about the french I took
But I do know that I love you And I know that if you love me too What a wonderful world this would be
Don't know much about geography Don't know much trigonometry Don't know much about algebra Don't know what a slide rule is for
But I do know that one and one is two And if this one could be with you What a wonderful world this would be
Now I don't claim to be an "A" student But I'm trying to be So maybe by being an "A" student baby I can win your love for me
Don't know much about history Don't know much biology Don't know much about science book Don't know much about the french I took
But I do know that I love you And I know that if you love me too What a wonderful world this would be - 今天聽Jazz Butcher的“Soul Happy Hour”的時候,想起Sam Cooke這首歌,也列出一系列disregard來証明世界有其他幸福的標準:“Don't know much about history, Don't know much biology... ” 今天會考放榜,低分數無人收留的學生,總會找到另一片天空。