from "Sax Voz", with Moacyr Silva on saxophone。
rough translation:
Oh, Mulata Assanhada
Passing with grace
Making prank
Pretending innocent
Removing the peace of ours
Oh, if I could mulata
And this is my currency
I gave no thought
This land, this sky, this sea
He pretends he does not know
That there’s spell on the look
Oh, Mulata Assanhada...
Oh my God, how good it would be
If he returned to slavery
I picked up the darkness
He was holding my heart
And the Pretoria police department
Is the one who solved the problem
Mulata = 女非歐混血兒/黑白混血兒,男性是Mulato。
Assanhada 是俗語 = 調情/挑逗者。
Pretoria = 比勒陀利亞,a city in South Africa。
早前貼的“Mulata Assanhada”原版。Elizeth Cardoso原唱。勉强意譯了歌詞。 歌是巴西的,歌曲末段主角建議那位沾花惹草的蕩男返歸做奴隸,並説祇有比勒陀利亞(非洲城市)的警方才能收服他,説明蕩男應該是從前被輸送到南美當奴隸的非洲人的後裔。